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How to Reduce Oil from Face

Don’t know what to do to avoid oil from your skin? Don’t worry, it is something you can overcome but with a right kind of knowledge. Oily skin is really frustrating and many people employ different products to get rid of it. It is due to sebaceous glands producing more oil than normal. Sometimes, it is a hereditary case but there’re also some other factors causing oily skin such as pollution, high humidity, hormonal shifts, stress, substandard cosmetic products, poor diet, birth control pills and more.


Here’re some useful tips you should work on to control oil from you skin:

Be moderate on washing your face

Many people wash their faces too much and think it’ll help make their skin more glowing. Washing your face again and again evokes sebaceous glands to make more oil. So, avoid washing too often as it does nothing but adds more oil to your skin.

Lukewarm water is better

Try to use lukewarm water whenever you wash your face. It relaxes your skin pores and gives you a great relief to prevent oil from your face. Both hot and cold water dries out your skin quickly. So, always prefer lukewarm water for washing your face.

Drink water

Water is very important for a healthy body. It also helps reduce oil from your skin. People who drink plenty of water have less skin problems compared to those who don’t. Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol as they do nothing but worsen the problem.

Use Oil-free moisturizers

Getting oil-free moisturizers could also help you control oil from your skin. There’re lots of oil-free moisturizers with SPF that protect your skin from sun. Try to use oil-free skin products that will surely help you get rid of oily skin.