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Home Decor Can Boost Your Happiness

A well-designed space can transform your home into a sanctuary no matter where you live. The color of your throw pillows, the way your room is laid out, and even how it sounds from the street all contribute to the character of your home. You can feel the effects of design every single day in surprising ways, including much more than just looks.


Make Nature Your Muse

Most people spend 80 to 90 percent of their time indoors even though humans aren’t meant to be kept in captivity. Getting back to nature has several benefits:

  • An analysis of health records from 350,000 people found that those who lived close to green spaces were less likely to suffer from 15 diseases, including depression and anxiety.
  • A study at Stanford University found that walking through parks reduces blood flow to the part of the brain associated with rumination (repeated, negative thoughts).

Orient Table Lamp

There is nothing like the Orient Table Lamp, a truly unique statement piece that oozes style and sophistication. Finished in Old English Antique (other finishes are available), the base, neck, and lid are made of brass from within the UK.

It will add warmth to any room with its large, textured glass shade.


The no-fuss succulent and the drapey golden pothos have become popular home additions in recent years. The tremendous health benefits that they provide, such as a reduction in carbon dioxide, pollutants, and dust, go beyond their beauty. Your home can be naturally detoxified with these indoor plants.

Let The Light Shine In

In the daytime, you should ideally use the sun as a primary source of light. Here are some suggestions:

  • You can reduce your electric bill.
  • Improve your sleep: Sunlight helps control your circadian rhythm by sending visual cues to your brain. Those working in an office with artificial lighting slept 46 minutes less per night than their colleagues with windows.
  • It is easier for patients to recover from pain if their windows face trees instead of brick walls.
  • A study found that students who studied in rooms with natural lighting performed 10 percent better on exams.

Bright colors

Many studies show the colors you choose for your walls or your rugs, furniture, and drapes can have a significant impact on your mood after all. Before you ignore the power of color, know that many studies indicate that the colors you select for your walls, furniture, or drapes can seriously alter your mood. According to a Dutch study, yellow brings feelings of happiness, while blue brings feelings of relaxation and creativity, according to research at the University of British Columbia.

Select Feel-Good Fabrics

Curtains, rugs, and blankets take up most of the visual space in a room. Create a calming backdrop, showcase interesting patterns, or add splashes of color to those blank canvases. When you decorate your home, don’t forget to consider your senses from the touch to the feel of fabrics. Make your home a “comfort zone” by considering all five of your senses.