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What is Brazilian Butt Lifting (BBL)?

Dr Murat Diyarbakirlioglu

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lifting) is a cosmetic surgery that gives women a plump and well-rounded look on their glutes. Aesthetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery specialist Surg. Murat Diyarbakirlioglu told us all about the operation, which is also known as the “Brazilian butt.” Aesthetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery specialist Surg. Murat Diyarbakirlioglu responded to the question …

To Medicate or Not To Medicate

Mental health is not a given for anyone, it takes work.  In fact, as Scott Peck, author of The Road Less Travelled, states, “…most of us are mentally ill to a greater or lesser degree.” One famous definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.  Is there anyone who …