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Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Physalis

Perhaps you’ve heard of the delicious golden berry fruit or perhaps you’ve heard about a certain cape gooseberry. Biologically and generally, this is the Physalis fruit that you have been acquainted with. It’s a little fruit with many names but just as many unknown benefits. Its texture is more or less similar to a tomato fruit seeing as how the fruit is related to tomatoes. The taste is a sweet strawberry-like or pineapple-like flavor with a minor acidic touch to it. This nightshade plant was first grown in Peru and chiles but now the major contributor of physalis is South Africa where it got its now popular name as “Cape gooseberry” here are some things that you probably didn’t know about the physalis fruit:


It offers Immune system support:

Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant and physalis provides 50% of the daily value that is required for the normal human body This Vitamin C will act as a prevention barrier against the development of free radicals in your body and promote the formation of other antioxidants like Vitamin E. It also helps the formation of Collagen fibers so that your wounds can heal faster. When free radicals are restricted from growing in your body then your skin and bones won’t age faster and your kidney and vision will be maintained in good health.

It Promotes Bone Health:

Physalis is also a good source of calcium which many already know to be a powerful source of promoting better bone health. Moreover, the presence of calcium in your body will also promote other body functions to run more smoothly like muscle contraction. This helps in regulation heart rhythm, support healthy blood circulation and hormone production.

Metabolic Activity:

Physalis is good for jams and jellies you know that much but the little fruit owes this to the pectin content that it carries. Pectin is a good source of fiber thus promoting better digestive activity. It allows for the solidification of stool and helps remedy constipation. It will absorb water in the large intestine and help the stool to pass more easily.


Cancer-fighting properties:

Physalis contains a certain number of steroid hormones as well. These are the withanolides. This element is helpful in preventing chronic diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and lupus however it may even be useful in preventing cancer. Recent researches have revealed a certain scope for killing cancer cells by targeting the specific cancer cells in the body.

It is often confused with the Chinese lantern:

The Chinese lantern is a similar species of the Physalis plant with the exception that you can’t eat the Chinese lantern plant as it doesn’t necessarily taste good and sometimes it may even be poisonous. Therefore, these plants are purely ornamental and not to be confused with the very edible and tasty Physalis plant. The Physalis has gained popularity and writers like Jane garden have only helped endorse the good taste and health benefits of the unique Cape berry.