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Millions Are Using Botox, and Their Reasons Vary

When summertime comes, many people find themselves looking a bit longer in the mirror. Not only are all the magazines on the rack now showing off those perfect beach ready bodies and touting exercise routines/crash diets that we should be vying to try in hopes of achieving something similar–but people are also beginning to shed the winter layers and see the effects all that holiday binging had on their physique.


But, whether at a healthy weight or not, many more people aren’t staring in the mirror to analyze their body. Rather, they’re looking at their face and wondering what they can do to make it look slimmer, younger, and more beautiful.

On average, people spend an additional 33 hours every season trying to get their looks ready for summer. And, the average person in the United Kingdom will spend roughly $400 of their holiday budget doing the same.

Around the world, millions will stop by their local medical aesthetics office or beauty parlor to get surgical procedures completed, and many millions more will ask for non-surgical alternatives like Botox.

In fact, over 7 million women receive Botox injections each and every year, which is a testament to just how much people care about their looks, and how much their looks can affect their self-esteem.

And, if you thought men weren’t joining in, you’re wrong. The trend of men getting injections like Botox is only continuing to grow as more and more drugmakers and individual practitioners begin to invest into the largely untapped audience. In 2017 alone, more than 470,000 men received cosmetic injections. While that number is nowhere near the number of women who receive such injections, it’s a figure that has increased five-fold since 2000.

The number of men and women receiving cosmetic injections like Botox is on a sharp rise as the media continues to pressure citizens around the world to achieve a perfect body. From flattening out forehead wrinkles to smoothing crow’s feet and smile lines, Botox is quickly becoming a go-to alternative to plastic surgery.

Regardless, more and more people are also starting to use Botox for reasons other than cosmetic purposes. In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of Botox for everything from foot pain relief to excessive sweating control and even migraine prevention, and that has also led to an increase in the number of people asking for Botox, whether at their doctor’s office or at the local spa. click here for more info