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Loss of hair is really irritating problem which can lose your confidence because the hairs are the best element which represents the beauty of a personality Every single hair has three layers the inner fiber is known as the medulla, the middle layer is known as the cortex that surrounds the medulla and the outer layer known as the cuticle which protects the hair from damage.

Once when you have lost hair due to some specific medical conditions like underactive thyroid, a hereditary problem, malnutrition, and anorexia nervosa.

Use some natural and essential home remedies which help to repair your dull and lifeless hair. There are some very effective home remedies which we are discussing hair loss remedies here:


Use of Gooseberry (amla):

It is a wonderful source of nutrition and it is also known as the powerhouse of nutrition. It has vitamin c in a high quantity which is very essential for the growth of hairs. Take two teaspoons of amla powder or juice then mix it well with equivalent amounts of lime juice and leave it until it becomes dry. Rinse it with warm water.

Lemon has also vitamin c in very high quantity and it not enough lemon is rich in vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, and other nutrients.

Take half part of the lemon and squeeze it’s juice and take two parts of coconut or olive oil. Apply it on your hair and leave it on your hairs for thirty to forty-five minutes.

Use of onion juice:

Use of onion juice is very essential for the proper growth of hairs. Squeeze the onions also chop them into pieces. Blend the pieces and squeeze out their juice. Apply the juice on scalp carefully and keep it on for fifteen minutes. And then rinse with a shampoo.

These are the best essential solution for the better growth of hairs