Holistic stress relief has now become essential part of life in the 21st century. A busy, multitasking lifestyle often leaves too little time for healthy eating, exercise, and rest. The sad truth is that hectic, active lifestyles lead to some form of possible burnout.
Almost everyone has heard of the fight-or-flight mechanism that humanity has developed in response to the threat of attack. When chronic stress is left unchecked, it can lead to a host of negative effects on the body.
There are 4 major types of stress:
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Psycho-spiritual
When our bodies are stressed, the adrenal glands (glands above the kidneys) release various stress hormones, cortisol, and adrenaline, which are two well-known major players. The good news is that there is a lot we can do to avoid stress. It takes a holistic approach to keep many different forms of stress under control at all times.
Key dietary and lifestyle advice for stress management:
Nourish your body with protein-rich meals
Eating protein-rich foods regularly is a key when it comes to balancing blood sugar levels, which helps relieve stress on the adrenal glands. Quality protein roots include nuts and seeds, beans, hemp and rice protein powder (great for shakes), algae including chlorella and spirulina, goat cheese, wild mackerel.
Fermented foods
The gut-mind connection is of paramount importance when it comes to controlling stress. Recent research has shown that healthy gut flora can significantly help reduce anxiety and is the basis for the response of the human immune system. Eating fermented foods is of paramount importance for the regular supply of probiotics (that is, to protect life) in the intestines. Popular fermented foods include raw unpasteurized sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, coconut yogurt, kefir, and miso soup.
Drink 6-8 glasses of clean, filtered water a day for adrenal health and hydration. Reduce caffeine, get rid of alcohol, and try juices made from green vegetables (fruit juices increase blood sugar) and soothing herbal teas instead.
Exercise plays an important role in reducing stress and improving overall fitness. Exercising as little as 3 times a week can make a big difference in how you handle your daily tasks. Try yoga, strength walking in nature, dancing, or interval training. It does not matter what if you move your body regularly.
A good way to relieve stress on the adrenal glands and the body complex is to take time to meditate daily. The body and breath are very intertwined, and when we meditate on gentle, rhythmic breathing for just 10 minutes a day, it can have a huge impact on reducing stress.
Stress can affect sleep quality. Many people lie awake with anxiety and anxiety that prevents them from falling asleep. People with chronic pain sleep worse, stay awake, and function poorly.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by stress, it is important to seek immediate medical advice. Chronic pain left untreated can lead to potentially serious health problems, including pain and depression.